How to Contribute?

Being part of the Urdu Corpus Community (Who We Are?), you can contribute in following ways:

  1. If you own Copyrights of any kind of Urdu Work and wish to Contribute it to the Urdu Corpus Community, all you have to do is to submit it for review to
    1. If the submission package is of small size i.e. less than 50 MB then you can send it to us as an email attachment.
    2. If the submission package is of large size i.e. greater than 50 MB then we will give you a temporary location on an online server, where you can upload the content.
  2. If you know any website, organization, person or company, who is willing to contribute their Copyrighted material to the Urdu Corpus Community, then you can send us the details on
  3. If you come to know about any open source tool, technology or service that we can use to advance our Urdu Corpus, then you can send us the details on

Once we receive your contributions:

  1. We will process (if required) your files and publish them on Urdu Corpus Community site with proper attribution (and with your permission off-course), so the whole community can benefit from it.
  2. We will further apply different Classification and Machine Learning pre/post processing techniques to generate annotated data sets and will publish them on Urdu Corpus Community site with related meta info.
  3. We will share every specific details of these process and meta information that can be of any help to the community
This is a Community effort and together we will evolve the process that best suits us and help us achieve our goals in an efficient manner. Please feel free to give us your feedback, comments or suggestions at

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